Breaking The Digital Spell
A podcast that explores the way technology and media shape our thoughts about God and our neighbor. Available wherever you get your podcasts, including YouTube. Visit bio.link.com/digitalspell for extra podcast resources or to support the podcast with a Buy Me A Coffee tip or subscription!
25 episodes
SA-8: How Churches Can Break the Social Media Prism
In the last decade, churches have been on the back foot when it comes to responding to changes in the technology and media landscape. There are too many things changing far too fast, and as soon as a trend appears, it ends as quickly as it came...

SA-7: Internet Trolls and the Quest for the Inner Ring
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/internet-trolls-and-the-quest-forThe amplification of extremists and the muting of moderates...

SA-6: Distorted Beyond the Funhouse Mirror
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/distorted-beyond-the-funhouse-mirrorWhen you stand in front of a funhouse mirror, your im...

SA-5: Stepping on the Glass of Broken Echo Chambers
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/stepping-on-the-glass-of-broken-echoPolitical polarization and tribalism are on the rise,...

Can Content Warnings Make Instagram Safer for Kids? (Buy Me a Coffee Member Preview)
When the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook knew that Instagram was toxic and harmful to teen girls, it lit up a firestorm greater than any of the other stories the Journal would break in it’s “Facebook Files” series. Nick Clegg, VP of ...

SA-4: Should Christians Leave Social Media? A Conversation About Digital Babylon
The Bible gives us a framework for understanding and navigating a world dominated by social media: Christians are to live as faithfully obedient exiles in the midst of Digital Babylon. This is the claim we explored on the prior episode of Break...

SA-3: On Esther, Daniel, and Exile in Digital Babylon
The Babylonian exile is arguably the most important event in the history of the Old Testament. Israel's long descent into apostasy ends with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, and the people of God are forcibly relocated to a pagan na...

SA-2: On Students and Brett McCracken's "The Wisdom Pyramid"
Media literacy is the biggest gaping hole in our discipleship. We can feel its effects in our churches and our lives in the same way we can feel the effects of poor financial stewardship or failing marriages in our churches. Plenty of courses a...

SA-1: The Asterisk Year
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/sa1-the-asterisk-yearWhen 2020 began, none of us factored in the possibility of a pandemic being the def...

S1E13: ...Is To Break The Spell
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e13-is-to-break-the-spellOur love for the technology and media in our lives has left us held und...
Season 1
Episode 13

S1E12: Conclusions, Part Two
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e12-conclusions-part-twoWe live in a world defined by the Internet and the technology and media i...
Season 1
Episode 12

S1E11: A Tale Of Two Realities
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e11-a-tale-of-two-realitiesNo matter how much we might use television or the Internet to escap...
Season 1
Episode 11

S1E10: The Useful Distraction of Smartphones
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e10-the-useful-distraction-of-smartphonesSmartphones are incredible useful. They...
Season 1
Episode 10

S1B2: Surviving Elections On Social Media
Earlier this week we looked at social media's impact on us by offering us a limitless amount of content to consume. That content often gets nasty around election seasons - is there anything we can do to mitigate that nastiness and survive the t...
Season 1

S1E9: Social Media's Content Waterfall
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e9-social-medias-content-waterfallSocial media promises the ability to consume an endle...
Season 1
Episode 9

S1E8: Fire! Wire!
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e8-fire-wireWe've spent the past several episodes talking about the social and intellectual environments - th...
Season 1
Episode 8

S1E7: Conclusions, Part One
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e7-conclusions-part-oneHow did television and the Internet change the way we think about God? In t...
Season 1
Episode 7

S1E6: The Internet's New Community
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e6-the-internets-new-communityWhen the Internet became readily available and adopted in the...
Season 1
Episode 6

S1B1: Good Television and Bad Writing
In this BONUS episode of Breaking The Digital Spell, we take a look at some of the good things about television and some of the ways where advances in print/oral communication have made the world worse. We've been pretty harsh on television up to ...

S1E5: Walking By Faith And Sight
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e5-walking-by-faith-and-sight"If the delivery is not the same, then the message, quite likel...
Season 1
Episode 5

S1E4: Television's Terms of Engagement
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e4-televisions-terms-of-engagementHow do you read a book? How do you watch television? ...
Season 1
Episode 4

S1E3: In The Beginning Were Words
Episode Manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e3-in-the-beginning-were-wordsHow have changes in technology and media changed the way we t...
Season 1
Episode 3

S1E2: Between Optimism And Pessimism
Episode manuscript: https://digitalbabylon.substack.com/p/s1e2-between-optimism-and-pessimsimIn thinking about technology and media, its hard to kno...
Season 1
Episode 2